How You Can Help
Donations are an integral part of the Bluewater Growing Project. Whether you can make a monetary donation, a donation of land, rent land to the Bluewater Growing Project, inputs, or your time to plant or harvest the crops, we will gratefully accept.

Donations of Land, Inputs or Time
We are always looking for donations of land, crop inputs, volunteer tillage/planting/harvesting/trucking operations or your time. We are also looking for land to rent for our growing projects. If you would like to participate in one of our growing projects, please reach out to Jack Koetsier directly at 519.331.4131
Monetary Donation

Bluewater Growing Project is a non-profit, non-denominational volunteer organization. Your donations are put directly toward supporting our growing projects.
Your donations go toward paying land rent and purchasing inputs or services necessary to grow the crops. When the crop is harvested, it is then sold and all profits are sent to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFB). There, each dollar that is donated is matched by the Canadian Government up to a 4:1 ratio so that each dollar can become up to $5 to be used overseas for CFB's efforts to end world hunger.
You can mail us your donation* by sending your cheque, payable to the Bluewater Growing Project, to: Bluewater Growing Project, c/o John Young, 5555 Mandaumin Road, RR #1, Wyoming, ON N0N 1T0.
* When you provide your mailing address, a charitable receipt will be issued by Canadian Foodgrains Bank for all donations of $20 or more.

Prayer is an important part of our projects. We ask that you pray for everyone involved - those doing the work here at home on our projects, those working to end global hunger, as well as those in need who are receiving the gifts.